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OMG! Android O getting ready: New features

Ahmed Salifou -

We are millions using Android Operating System (OS) on our various devices on a daily basis. As at now your phone, your tablet, or your TV are probably running on Android. And each one of those devices might be having a different version of the OS. Currently, the highest version of the Android OS is 7.1.1.

Every time Google's team behind Android creates a new version, they name it after something(an animal or other things) with an explicit and human-friendly name. For example, the version 7.1.1 is called Nougat. And the one before that is called Marshmallow.

For the upcoming version, they named it O. Yes, the letter "O", or like "O" in the movie Home.

So, today, Dave Burke, VP of Engineering just announced the availability of Android O for the first developer preview.

Some new features of Android O

1. Improved battery life

Additional automation has been added to help you phone limit what apps can do in the background.

2. Neater notifications

Instead of managing all notifications settings at once, you can define which notification to receive or not.

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3. Autofill of forms

It can be tedious to fill forms on those tiny devices. With this feature, your data is securely saved and can be recalled to fill forms automatically.

4. Picture in Picture (PIP)

This allows you to manage multiple windows at a time. Every time you open something on your devices, the page you see is called an "activity". This means that now you can be watching a video and open up another activity without interruption.

5. Adaptive icons

Adaptive icons support visual effects and can display a variety of shapes across different device models.

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6. Wi-Fi Aware

This feature will allow nearby devices to discover and communicate with each other over Wi-Fi without an Internet access point.

This is just a few of the range of feature the Android O will ship. Feel free to check it out for more.

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